TOEIC learning progress 7 是我多益準備學習過程的第7篇文章,前6篇文章紀錄如下:
- TOEIC learning progress 1
- TOEIC learning progress 2
- TOEIC learning progress 3
- TOEIC learning progress 4 -描述死亡的用法
- TOEIC learning progress 5 – How to describe money in English
- TOEIC learning progress 6 – Vocabulary Test
經過之前的學習及單字的測驗,單字是接下來最主要要提升的部分,同時也發現除了之前的同義字或相同概念的延申,使用字根字首的方式也相當=有效,對於字義的推測及理解很有幫助。因此接下來部分的單字也會以這樣的方式來學習看看。今天是第1篇,Root word ann-
Root word ann-
annual (adj.) / (n.) =yearly
- adj.
- annual rings = growth rings
- Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities.
- You will receive annual pay increments every September.
- n.[c] a book or magazine published once a year / a plant that grows, produces seeds, and dies within one year.
biannual (adj.)
- adj. happening twice a year
- The committee has just published its biannual report.
biennial (adj.) / (n.)
- adj. happening once every two years
- n.[c] a plant that lives for two years, producing seeds and flowers in its second year
perennial (adj.) / (n.)
- adj. lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time
- =long term
- We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.
- The film “The Shawshank Redemption” is a perennial favourite.
- n.[c] a plant that lives for several years
annually adv.
- =yearly
- Your starting salary is £23,000 per annum and will be reviewed annually.
- annum n.
annuity (n.)[c]
- an annuity policy
- annuity income
- She receives a small annuity.
anniversary (n.)[c]
- Tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of the revolution.
今天把root word ann-作個整理,其中以多益來說最重要的兩個單字分別為annual及anniversary,一定要確實掌握。
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