TOEIC learning progress 11 是我多益準備學習過程的第11篇文章,前10篇文章紀錄如下:
- TOEIC learning progress 1
- TOEIC learning progress 2
- TOEIC learning progress 3
- TOEIC learning progress 4 -描述死亡的用法
- TOEIC learning progress 5 – How to describe money in English
- TOEIC learning progress 6 – Vocabulary Test
- TOEIC learning progress 7 – root word ann-
- TOEIC learning progress 8 – root word audi-
- TOEIC learning progress 9 – root word cap / ceive / cept
- TOEIC learning progress 10 – 與看有關的動詞與root word
今天來談root word demo
Root word demo
- (n.)[u] 民主
- The government has promised to uphold the principles of democracy.
- The early 1990s saw the spread of democracy in Eastern Europe.
- (n.)[c] 民主國家
- Few of the Western democracies still have a royal family.
democratic (adj.)
based on the principles of democracy
- We must accept the results of a democratic election (= an election in which all people can vote).
- Do you think Australia is a more democratic country than Britain?
- Democratic Progressive Party 民主進步黨
democrat (n.)[c]
a person who believes in democracy
demography (n.)[u] 人口調查
the study of changes in the number of the people who live in an area and characteristics births, age, sex, marriages, deaths, etc. in a particular area during a period of time.
- The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a dramatic impact on the demography of the villages.
今天把root word demo-作個整理,其中最重要的單字為deomcracy、democratic及demography.
Onsportop Unstoppable 我們下次見~