TOEIC learning progress 3是我多益準備學習過程的第3篇文章,前兩篇文章紀錄如下:
以下進入TOEIC learning progress 3
TOEIC learning progress 3 學習紀錄
- announce
- appeal
- claim
- call for
- join
- attend 把心力投入的概念 參加
- attend to 注意、傾聽
- engage in
- participate
- observe
- make out
- customer 消費者
- difficult customer 奧客
- constant/regular customer 常客
- client 客戶 尋求專業協助
- potential client 潛在客戶
- subscriber 訂閱者
- 下降
- decrease
- fall
- drop
- shrink
- The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 20 percent.
- slump 猛跌
- Gold price has slumped abruptly.
- plunge 下降
- Car sales have plunged dramatically over the past year.
- decline
- incline 傾斜
- steep 陡峭
- reduce
- diminish 減少
- The price of the cabbages has sharply diminished this week.
- slash
- The party’s popularity has slashed in the opinion roll.
- decrease
- 上升
- increase
- rise
- climb
- grow
- gain
- accelerate
- Inflation is likely to accelerate this year; it must lead to the escalating prices.
- skyrocket
- Housing prices have been skyrocketed in recent years.
- proliferate
- The eco-friendly groups have proliferated recently.
- peak
- The official figures showed that the unemployed rate peaked in October.
- increase
- 常搭配使用的副詞
- rapidly 快速地
- slightly 輕微地
- steadily 穩定地
- abruptly 突然地
- gradually 逐漸地
- constantly 持續地
- moderately 適度地
- dramatically 明顯地
- mathematical 數學
- dealing
- merchandise 商品
- product
- 同意
- agree 個人意願
- consent
- allow
- approve
- permit
- agree 個人意願
- 拒絕
- disagree
- refuse 個人意願
- disallow
- disappove
- object
- disagree
- preform
- interrupt v. 打斷
- neutral adj. 中立的
- architecture n. 建築
- convey v. 傳遞
- nod v. 點頭
- companion n. 夥伴
- species n. 物種
- absorb v. 吸收
- craft 手工
- He acquired the craft of wood carving.
- possess
- = have = own
- estate n. 房地產
- vicious adj.
- He gave the dog vicious blow with his stick.
- crime
- drug smuggling
- evaluate v. 評估
- assess
- estimate
- swell v. 腫脹
- suppose v. 猜想
- You are only supposing this on hearsay, you have no proof.
- hearsay 謠言、傳聞
- reputation n. 名譽、聲望
- honor
- credit
- mutual adj. 相互的
- We hope to work with you to our mutual village.
- matual benefit 互利
- mutual funds 共有基金
- mutual advantage 共同利益
- mutual combat 互毆
- enhance v. 強化
- fulfill v. 完成
- = achieve
- He made up his mind to fulfill his task ahead of time secretly.
- keen adj. 強烈的概念
- hardship n.困難
- eyesores 不順眼的
- dismiss v. 使消失的概念 消除、開除
- the class is dismissed 下課
- revise v. 修正
- bias 偏見
- = prejudice pre-judge
- = preconception pre-conception
- concept
- notion
- surpass v. 超過的概念
- advantage
- He surpassed all his rivals.
- distribution 分布
- expectation 期待
- management 管理
- unreliable 不可能
- impossible 不可能的
- incredible 難以置信的
- invent 發明
- practice 實務上
- aim at 瞄準
- train for 訓練成為
- pose as 假扮
- argue with 抱怨
- differ with 不同
- equip with 充滿
- content 滿足,滿意
- made up 下定決心
- exhausted by 疲累
- racial conflicts 種族衝突
- familiar presences 熟面孔
- distant memories 遙遠的記憶
- vague image 模糊的印象
out of the ballpark 遠高於市場
TOEIC learning progress 3 學習心得
這幾天發現針對多益目前很大的問題在於單字量的不足,所以針對單字的部分進行加強。但最近在整理完TOEIC learning progress 3這些資料,同步也在思考,目前呈現的學習模式在網路上以網誌方式發表好像不那麼妥適,只是個人的學習的歷程,但因為沒有學習的脈絡,變成一種比較發散式的筆記形式,與網誌的功能及想傳遞的訊息有點落差,後續的篇章可能會再思考做些調整。
Onsportop Unstoppable 我們下次見~